【問題】Blue Insurance wiki?推薦回答

作者:Yamaguchi, Tsubasa

Tsubasa Yamaguchi is the author of the hit manga adaptation of Makoto Shinkai’s short film She and Her Cat, published in English by Vertical Comics, and the art student drama Blue Period from Kodan...

作者:Heywood, Joseph

Joseph Heywood is the author of The Snowfly, Covered Waters, The Berkut, Taxi Dancer, The Domino Conspiracy, the ten previous Woods Cop Mysteries, Hard Ground: Woods Cop Stories, Harder Ground, and...

作者:Brower, K. H.

作者:Csb Bibles by Holman,McDowell, Sean

Sean McDowell is an Assistant Professor in the Christian Apologetics program at Biola University. Sean continues to teach one high school Bible class, which helps give him exceptional insight into ...

作者:たいち庸千葉智宏(スタジオオルフェ)大河原邦男NAOKI 矢立肇富野由悠季

  宇宙世紀0079──「一年戰爭」末期。   裕.鹿島等人所屬的實驗部隊「天竺鼠隊」,   在邂逅了同屬地球聯邦的奴隸幽靈隊後,   緊追逃往宇宙的尼姆巴斯隊腳步,也來到SIDE 5。   在為不習慣的「空間戰」感到困惑的同時,   裕也為BLUE 3號機的潛能感到驚愕……!   眾所期待的宇宙篇開始!! 本書特色   ★歷經SS與PS3時代,電玩形式的著名鋼彈外傳故事,如今重新以漫畫...

作者:Janssen, Jacques,Manca, Raimondo

作者:Farley, Terri

Terri Farley​ is the best-selling author of books about the contemporary and historic West. Her most recent book ​Wild at Heart: Mustangs and the Young People Fighting to Save Them​ (Houghton Miffl...

作者:Kishkan, Theresa

Theresa Kishkan lives on the Sechelt Peninsula in British Columbia. She has published more than a dozen books, including poetry, fiction, and collections of essays.


  立基於海洋文學傳統,依現況擴增當代定義與涵蓋主題,聚焦「屏東海洋文化」面向,著眼地方風土人情的特殊性。   回顧臺灣海洋文學波瀾壯闊的歷史,乘著前輩大師所掀起的美好浪潮,這本書的主題力求多元,包括了屏東的海洋生態、海事歷史、海港城鎮、海景休閒、海街生活、海濱產業等豐富面向。受邀撰稿的作家陣容堅強,星光閃閃,跨越也平衡了不同世代、性別與專業。屏東縣政府希望能以此宣示:我們全心推廣海洋文學...



Allison Adelle Hedge Coke, a Fulbright Scholar, First Jade Nurtured Sihui Excellent Foreign Poet, recent Dan & Maggie Inouye Distinguished Chair in Democratic Ideals and US Library of Congress Witt...

